You must:
- provide clean floors and stairs, with effective drainage where necessary
- provide clean premises, furniture and fittings
- provide containers for waste materials
- remove dirt, refuse and trade waste regularly
- clear up spillages promptly
- keep internal walls or ceilings clean
Hygiene and welfare
You must provide:
- clean toilets and hand basins, with running hot and cold or warm water, soap and towels or another suitable means of drying
- drinking water
- somewhere to rest and eat meals, including facilities for eating food which would otherwise become contaminated
- showers for dirty work or emergencies
- drying facilities for wet work clothes, if practical and necessary
- accommodation or hanging space for personal clothing not worn at work (and somewhere to change if special clothing is worn for work)
- rest facilities for pregnant women and nursing mothers
In some circumstances your risk assessment will highlight the need to provide additional specific controls, for example:
- skin cleansers, with nail brushes
- barrier cream and skin-conditioning cream where necessary
- certain facilities for workers working away from base, eg chemical toilets in some circumstances