Complies with the requirements of the European Standard EN166:2001 "Personal Eye Protection".
Inspect the goggles carefully before use and discard if damaged in any way. Inspect the goggles at regular intervals. If the frame has become brittle or there is any damage to the goggles leave the area of hazard and replace the goggles. There are no user replaceable parts available for this model.
Cleaning: Clean with warm soapy water and dry with a soft non abrasive cloth Storage: When not in use this product should be sotred in a clean dry poly bag in a cool place out of direct sunlight and away from solvents, solvent vapours or corrosive materials. Max product life 2 years Material Declaration: No parts which are in contact with the wearer are made from materials known to cause skin irritation Chemicals: Certain chemicals may have a detrimental effect on contact with this product. If in doubt please give us a call. Disinfection: The parts of this product in contact with the skin should be disinfected periodically with a suitable disinfectant WARNING: This product offers no protection against IR radiation. This product offers adequate protection against UV sun radiation but should not be used against hazardous levels.