Now, for many organisations, this is their daily reality. Raw materials and parts, MRO and logistics supply chains have all become unreliable, and costs have mushroomed. Freight/Shipping/Energy costs.
To make matters more complicated, staffing shortages at every level and in every industry are undermining growth plans. And unprecedented levels of staff resignation have become known as the Great Resignation.
We still believe that a huge recovery is underway, however in the meantime, rather than waiting for you to become frustrated due to a lack of communication,we’d like to explain some of the challenges we and the market are currently experiencing, and how we’re mitigating the effects.
Our procurement team are working very hard with all our suppliers and partners, to ensure disruption are kept to an absolute minimum. We would like to share some ideas on how we may manage the current challenges.
· Our BDM’s will visit and analyse the last 12 -24 months spend.
· From this we will ascertain the usage patterns and will identify products that are at risk.
· A supplier agreement/SLA contract that we can use to ring fence stock with our suppliers.
· Set up monthly meetings to look at review usage and understand any upcoming trends or increases in products.
· This information will be fed back to our procurement team and our supply partners to ensure the supply chain is maintained.
· All products that are vulnerable, we will offer alternatives that will be submitted for approval, so that something is in place ahead of any disruption.
In the meantime, be assured that we are going to make it through the current challenges stronger than ever before, and we are going to be by your side every step of the way.